Seventeen year-old Alexis Meschter, a high school senior, has been playing the violin since the age of four. He currently studies with Lee Snyder and has participated in multiple recitals and masterclasses with renowned artists such as Pamela Frank, Ida Levin, and William Fitzpatrick. He is also a senior member of the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra under the direction of Louis Scaglione, and part of a string quartet.
Earlier this year, Alexis won the Delaware Concerto Competition and had the privilege of performing with the Wilmington Symphony. He also placed first at the Estella Frankel scholarship competition at The Music School of Delaware. Recently, Alexis won the Newark Symphony competition and will play with the symphony in 2013.
Last summer Alexis participated in the National Symphony Orchestra Summer Institute where he experienced four weeks of private lessons, rehearsals, coaching by National Symphony Orchestra members, classes, and lectures. Inspired by this experience, Alexis is preparing for auditions at various conservatories.
Alexis enjoys finding new venues for sharing music with others. To date, music has been his most consistently essential form of communication. It is his hope that the warmth of musical pursuits continues to enrich his life.